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Common challenges managing a remote team and how to overcome them


by Wiktoria Stretskite

Common challenges managing a remote team and how to overcome them

Most organizations have switched to remote collaboration with their employees in connection with the pandemic. This method allowed the company to continue activities, and employees did not look for a new job. Remote team working can run into some issues that need to be addressed if you want to maintain the performance of your business. Our remote working recruitment agency will help you find suitable employees and give you some tips on how to organize cooperation so that joint work provides a better result.

Consider the most common problems associated with the remote work of employees and methods for solving them

Many companies have taken advantage of the remote hiring of employees. It is convenient and has advantages:

  • the business is preserved;
  • employees do not need to look for work;
  • no office maintenance costs;
  • employees do not need to spend time on the way to the office.

But there are specific problems associated with remote human resources.

Worker control system

The employer needs to find a way to manage. There are many platforms through which you can create a virtual office where most of the company's work will be concentrated. If you do not have such control over employees, there may be chaos, disunity, and disorganization.

Security issues

To ensure the safe operation of the company, reliable protection of company data is necessary. Specialized computer programs provide it. And this is not worth saving.

Communication links

It is necessary to use special tools to communicate and transfer the required information between employees and management to ensure operational communications with employees — for example, Zoom or Skype.

Information Technology

For the practical work of remote employees, the manager should save on something other than high-tech equipment that will ensure maximum quality and efficiency in work (computers, scanners, copiers, etc.).


Since all employees have different work activities (someone is better in the morning, and someone in the afternoon or even at night), create a flexible work schedule, but with an indication of the deadlines for completing this task. And if employees live in different countries, this problem is even more relevant.


It is essential to organize a team of employees who prefer jobs remotely. Some workers need help to work at home, constantly being distracted by various concerns, thereby introducing disorganization in their duties. Test employees within 2-3 days, thus determining their effectiveness remotely.

Newbie problems

If your organization has a newly arrived employee, it is recommended that they appoint a curator who will monitor their work and, if necessary, prompt if questions and problems arise. A new employee should feel support and attention from management.

Bonus Policy

It is recommended to encourage employees with various bonuses for solving complex problems and completing work ahead of schedule to motivate employees to work effectively and not be distracted – bonuses, awards, promotions, etc. Feeling that quality work is appreciated, the employee will work efficiently.

Summing up

Managing employees at a distance can be efficient and convenient for the company's functioning. The main thing is to remember the comfortable work of employees – technical support and decent payment for professionalism.