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Remote work from home: 4 benefits of hiring a remote worker


by Wiktoria Stretskite

Remote work from home: 4 benefits of hiring a remote worker

Given various circumstances (for example, the coronavirus pandemic), many organizations have had to transfer their employees to remote work. Initially, this was considered unusual and inconvenient for both parties, but after a while, it turned out that hiring remote has certain advantages for both the employer and the employee.

Cases for remote work

Not only the pandemic can be a reason to promote remote recruitment. There are several other reasons why such a need may arise for team members:

  • family circumstances of the employee;
  • the state of health of the employee;
  • lack of office space for the employer;
  • a considerable distance between the employee's residence and the work office.

All this may lead to a verbal agreement between the parties to work from home or anywhere convenient for the employee.

Benefits of remote IT employment

At the end of quarantine measures, about 60% of workers prefer to continue the remote work option, and many workers initially seek to get remote recruitment jobs based on many positive factors. Recently, more and more employers have provided remote vacancies.

Consider the four main positive aspects of remote hiring:

  1. Financial savings for the employer – there is no need to spend resources on office maintenance;
  2. The flexibility of working hours – often remote job does not mean exclusively 8-hour working days within specific time frames of the work schedule; for example, from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. it may be earlier or later than standard time;
  3. A more comprehensive geographical range of choice of employees because it is possible to hire employees in your organization from other cities and even countries;
  4. Ensuring stability in the company's work – remote cooperation allows the organization to carry out its activities even during the lockdown period.

In addition, remote employees are believed to be more organized and responsible, which also allows them not to waste time traveling to and from the office (plus travel costs). This option will also benefit the employer if the employee is slightly unwell, allowing them to work from home and not take paid sick leave.

How to organize remote collaboration?

For the effective operation of the remote hire, it is necessary to fulfill a number of the following requirements that will increase the efficiency of the employee's work:

  • create an information cloud – transfer the necessary data from the servers of working computers to the created database, available to employees;
  • technical software of the place where the employee will work – professional programs and equipment of appropriate quality;
  • providing communication links – providing a mobile office phone (number), setting up the Internet, including e-mail and the availability of Wi-Fi;
  • provide systematic consulting support (if necessary) – by phone, e-mail, and Skype.

If all of the above measures are organized, then the remote work of an employee will be as efficient and fast as possible. Much depends on a well-equipped remote location. Therefore, work comfort will significantly increase the productivity of the employee. Hiring a remote worker is an effective and profitable option for both parties.