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8 tips on how to find an effective recruitment company


by Wiktoria Stretskite

8 tips on how to find an effective recruitment company

Organizations that hire professional workers prefer recruitment companies for help instead of wasting time and effort on their search. This method is more efficient and reliable, ensuring the examination of appropriate candidates for vacant positions in the company. But finding an effective recruitment company is also more challenging.

What to look for when choosing a recruiter?

Their main task is to find candidates who fully meet the employer's requirements. It can be not easy, but if experienced specialists work in a recruiting company, they will successfully fill the necessary vacancies for your organization.

The effectiveness of such a tech recruitment agency will depend on several indicators, such as:

  • deadline for closing vacancies;
  • the price of the service for closing a vacancy;
  • statistics of closing vacancies per month;
  • statistics of closing vacancies per HR manager;
  • percentage of laid-off workers, 3 months after starting work.

All these indicators affect the rating of an IT recruitment agency, and when choosing such an agency, carefully read them.

8 tips for finding a recruiting agency

So, what should be considered when choosing a recruiter worthy of your attention?

  1. A huge database of candidates

For the search to be faster, the recruiter must have access to a vast database of job seekers.

2. Availability of software

An essential role in the efficiency of work is played by software that allows you to quickly and efficiently select personnel. Using automated processes in the search will enable you to increase the efficiency of finding candidates.

3.Candidate Search Methodology

A well-established and successful recruiting organization must have specific standards for effective search. The presence of a checklist with a particular algorithm of recruitment ensures this.

4.Availability of templates for creating vacancies

A hire agency that values time uses templates to post vacancies. It allows you to quickly correct the details of a particular profession without wasting time creating a complete text of the vacancy, where approximately 70-80% of the requirements may coincide.

5. Availability of testing

For effective selection of candidates, the recruiter must conduct a small test (foreign language or testing of a specialized nature). Such preliminary testing helps weed out weak and unqualified applicants for a vacancy already at an early selection stage.

6. Communication with the employer

Responsible recruiters regularly interact with the employer and inform them of the selection process. In addition, the search may require additional information not indicated in the job description.

7. Success statistics

Experienced recruiters have high close rates and a meager percentage of candidates fired after 3 months.

8. Closing dates for vacancies

When choosing a recruiter, you need to know approximately for what period you are promised to fill a vacancy. Too long may indicate that it is difficult for the company to find a candidate, and too short, that the recruiter may not be doing such a thorough search.

With all these tips in mind, your firm will find a recruiting company capable of working efficiently and focused on results.