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6 common CV mistakes to avoid


by Wiktoria Stretskite

6 common CV mistakes to avoid

Many job seekers wonder why they send resumes to multiple organizations and get no feedback. The fact is that several common things could be improved when writing a resume, which becomes the reason that the employer does not answer you or the recruitment company. We will help you figure it out and avoid any more mistakes.

The six most common mistakes

Before you start writing a resume, you need to understand its structure and some general rules. It often happens that a genuinely qualified employee, having compiled a summary without considering some of the nuances, needs help finding a job.

Below we list the mistakes made, which there will be a slight chance that you will be answered.

  1. Spelling mistakes

One of the most common mistakes is spelling problems. If there are grammatical errors in the developer resume, the employer will think you do not care what impression you can make. From this, they will conclude that as an employee, you may need to be a more diligent and responsible employee.

2. Resume Size

The length of the IT developer resume is essential. It is necessary to fit all the information on only one page. But this seems wrong – sometimes, one page can be full of unnecessary data, or vice versa; one page will not be enough to enter all the necessary information for the employer.

What not to do:

  • increase the number of pages by using large print and line spacing;
  • to supplement the resume with unnecessary information, only to write a lot.

It's not the number of pages that matters but the quality of the content.

3. No evidence was provided to support your experience

Everyone can say that they are highly qualified and experienced workers. Still, if specific figures are not indicated, then this information will not have any weight in the eyes of the employer. For example, write years of work in a specific position, statistics on completing complex tasks, percentage of workload, and so on. With specific numbers, your resume will look solid.

4. Wrong Skills Section

In this section, you must separate soft and technical skills and create two subsections. If there are few skills, then focus on work experience and education in a way that highlights your strengths in the profession. By writing about your benefits, you can indicate how to use them for this job.

5. Provide false information

If the applicant writes false information in the resume, then a pronounced negative attitude towards you from the employer or recruiting company will be provided. Inaccurate data can have a harmful effect in the future if suddenly the untruth is revealed not during the interview but some time later after you have been hired.

6. Specifying secondary information

The relevance and relevance of the data is essential. Suppose there is a lot of unnecessary and unimportant information in the resume that does not reflect the specific data of your experience and professionalism. In that case, such a resume will not attract attention. The data must be precise and directly related to your profession and the chosen vacancy.

A well-written resume will be the first step to the fact that the employer will notice you.