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The key factors in optimizing your home workspace for maximum productivity


by Wiktoria Stretskite

Increasingly, working from home is no longer an exception to the rule but a matter of course. But remote hiring may sometimes seem challenging because various nuances prevent an organization's employee from working effectively. Below, we'll go into more detail about how to optimize your home environment for efficient work.

Factors for optimizing your workplace at home

It is necessary to consider the following factors that affect an employee's productivity in remote location jobs as comfortably and productively as possible.

Decide on a workplace

One of the main factors is the choice of workplace. If the apartment has a separate office, this solves the problem. But most have yet to have such an opportunity, so you must use what is available for work. Try to find a comfortable place and equip it with a workspace that is maximally protected from various distractions and does not use the equipped workplace to take a break from work.

Plan your working time by prioritizing

Make a clear distinction between work time and leisure and household chores. It is not recommended to be distracted by household chores during work regularly. It disrupts the working rhythm and reduces efficiency. Organize your work schedule by including a standard lunch break like in the office.

Leaving the home office at the end of the working day

When working in an office, finding out when it's your lunch break and when you need to go home is easy. Sometimes, having earned money, you can skip lunch or finish working later. To avoid this, you should:

  • monitor working hours;
  • do not ignore the lunch break;
  • 10-minute breaks are also helpful, especially when you're busy.

You must clearly understand the boundaries of working hours and not overstrain; otherwise, such work will quickly damage your health.

Availability of necessary technical equipment

For comfortable and efficient work at home, you need everything you need for work at your home workplace – equipment and software. An employee should feel supported at home. The technical equipment must be appropriate for performing tasks and maintaining communication (including video) with management and other employees.

Don't rule out communication

Communication is essential to the workflow at home. Discussing working moments and direct transmission in the company's office is automatic and integral. But working at home, the employee is isolated and deprived of this due to circumstances. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain regular contact with employees – correspondence, telephone, and video calls. Absolute social isolation will not be a good helper.

Protect yourself from distractions

A remote job is much more comfortable and convenient. But the solution of the tasks set will be effective if you protect yourself as much as possible from the factors that distract you from work. No one will forbid you to be distracted by household chores for 5-10 minutes, but you need to ensure that household problems do not drag you out entirely and for a long time, distracting you from work. Neither the presence of your children at home nor the guests should negatively affect your performance.

Jobs remotely are certainly convenient if you consider all the tips that optimize your productivity.