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7 tips for hiring remote employees to strengthen your team


by Wiktoria Stretskite

In recent years, the use of remote recruitment has become increasingly popular. This approach allows you to increase the choice of specialists worldwide without requiring a physical presence in the organization's office. In addition, there is no need to maintain a real office, which will significantly save the company's financial resources.

Advantages of remote hiring

If you look in more detail at this method of cooperation, you will find a lot of advantages and conveniences for both parties:

  • employees do not need to get to the office – saving time and money on travel;
  • more time can be devoted to work;
  • flexible work schedule – the employee, at their discretion, distributes the working time and chooses the pace of the task;
  • there is no constant physical control on the part of the authorities, and this allows you to work not in such a tense state;
  • the employer and employee may be located in different cities and countries from each other.

Given all these factors, we can conclude that over time, even more companies will use this way of working naturally in areas where it is possible.

How to strengthen your remote work team?

Remote staffing agencies recommend promoting team cohesion and focusing on results to make collaboration as effective as possible.

  1. Protect employees from information overload

It is better to use one messenger for the convenience of communication and solving problems. It will allow prompt cooperation without transitions from one messenger to another. Deciding on one program to maintain correspondence and video communication is necessary.

2. Work more efficiently with innovative technologies

For comfortable remote work recruitment, provide employees with the necessary equipment – computers, scanners, etc. You can install the required software for efficient and high-quality work.

3. Setting for beginners

If there are newcomers to the organization, appoint an experienced mentor who will supervise the implementation of their duties and, if necessary, help and prompt them. A beginner who will feel the support and help from the company will get used to it much faster and get up to speed.

4. Trust within the team

Trusting relationships between employees is of great importance. The problem of one employee should be more than just theirs (if they cannot cope with it). All severe problems must be solved together, and not be afraid to report it – subordinate to the leadership. A friendly and open environment within the company is always conducive to team cohesion.

5. Rewards Policy

Introduce rewards in your organization for early achievement of a set goal, solving a complex problem, etc. Employees must be sure that their efforts will be rewarded.

6. Host corporate events

Hold corporate events with employees – meetings in a cafe, in nature, various trips, etc. Personal, friendly communication will always be the same as Skype video meetings.

7. Chat on non-work topics

In a real office, employees can exchange a couple of phrases with personal information, but this is impossible in remote mode. But creating a chat for communication on non-work topics will greatly defuse the situation.

If you consider all these 7 tips, your remote team will be friendly and work quickly for results.