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Return to the Office: Necessity or Desire? An examination of the reasons why companies are returning to office-based work. What factors are driving this decision, and what benefits do employers see


by Wiktoria Stretskite


The corporate world has experienced significant changes in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many companies to switch to remote work. Now, as the situation improves, companies are faced with the decision to return to the office. This transition raises questions about the need and desire to restore previous ways of working and corporate culture. Every company has unique reasons for returning to the office, including improving teamwork, workflow control, data security and operational efficiency.

Znojdziem, as a recruiting company, uses its experience to support companies in adapting to changes in the labor market, helping to find qualified employees for various work models and providing recommendations for optimal choices between office, remote or hybrid work.

Historical context and current trends

Historical context

Until 2020, most companies preferred to keep employees in offices, but the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the work environment, forcing a shift to remote work. This transition, although forced, has allowed many to discover the benefits of remote work, such as savings in travel time and greater flexibility in their work hours.

Current Trends

With the improvement of the epidemiological situation, companies began to consider returning to offices, seeking to restore previous work processes and corporate culture. Well-known companies such as Tesla and Google have already started implementing hybrid work policies.

Examples of famous companies:

Elon Musk's Tesla and SpaceX are demanding a return to the office to support innovation and intense work.

Google and Apple are introducing hybrid work to promote collaboration and maintain company culture.

JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs are pushing for a return to maintain operating standards.

Statistics: About 70% of companies in the US and Europe plan to return employees to the office at least partially, while a Gallup study found that 54% of workers would prefer to continue working remotely.

Thus, returning to the office is becoming an important trend that requires careful analysis and understanding of the root causes of this phenomenon.

Reasons for returning to the office

Communication and corporate culture

Returning to the office is often driven by a desire to improve internal communication and strengthen corporate culture. Office spaces facilitate easy meetings, informal discussions and the use of non-verbal cues, which are important for effective communication and the rapid exchange of ideas.

Example: Google uses open workspaces to encourage casual meetings between employees in different departments, which encourages the generation of new ideas.

Office culture creates an environment for natural and regular interaction, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty to the company.

Research: More than 67% of HR professionals believe that working in an office has a positive impact on maintaining and developing company culture (SHRM).

Productivity and Efficiency

Having a physical presence in the office can make teams more productive. Switching from a home environment to an office environment helps employees psychologically switch to work tasks, reducing procrastination and increasing concentration. Also, office space minimizes distractions at home.

Statistics: According to Harvard Business Review, 40% of employees reported increased productivity when working in the office compared to working remotely.

Data Security and Privacy

Returning to the office also comes with increased data security. Offices allow you to better control physical and network access to confidential information, implement advanced security systems and reduce the risks associated with the use of personal devices by employees.

Examples of breaches: The rate of phishing attacks and cybercrime has increased during the pandemic, highlighting the security challenges of remote work.

Management and control

By bringing employees back to the office, managers have more direct access to management processes and can more effectively monitor task completion. The office facilitates performance monitoring, operational meetings and adjustments to work processes.

Example: Salesforce noted improvements in mentoring and training processes for junior employees when returning to the office.

Advantages and disadvantages of returning to the office

Benefits of returning to the office

1.Improved communication and creative collaboration:

Strengthens teamwork: Having a physical presence in the office facilitates team discussions and brainstorming sessions, creating an environment for rapid exchange of ideas and feedback.

Example: IDEO and Pixar are known for open workspaces to encourage creativity and collaboration.

Effectively train new employees: Office communication is critical to onboarding new employees by allowing them to observe colleagues at work and ask questions in real time.

Stats: A LinkedIn study found that 58% of new employees consider office interactions important to their development.

2.Maintaining employee health and well-being:

Clear boundaries between work and personal life: Working in an office helps set clear boundaries, reducing the risk of burnout.

Polls: Gallup found that 63% of employees report improved mental health after returning to the office.

Physical activity: Offices often offer gyms and group exercise classes to promote employee health.

Example: Google provides gyms and exercise facilities on campus.

Disadvantages of returning to the office

1.Reduced employee flexibility and satisfaction:

Decreased work schedule flexibility: Returning to the office limits the ability to schedule your own workday, which many employees value.

Survey: A FlexJobs study found that 76% of workers would prefer to continue working remotely to avoid commuting.

Risk of Decreased Job Satisfaction: Required presence in the office can worsen work-life balance.

Statistics: The American Psychological Association noted that 44% of workers experience greater stress when required to be in the office.

2.Increase in office maintenance costs:

High operating costs: Organizing office space requires significant investments in rent, maintenance and security.

Example: In large cities, the cost of renting office space can become a significant expense.

The need to invest in infrastructure: In addition to rent, investments are required in comfortable working conditions, from furniture to equipment.

Data: CBRE indicates that the average business spends about 20% of its budget on office design and maintenance.

The role of technology in the transition to hybrid work models

Technology is playing a central role in companies adapting to hybrid work models that combine remote and in-office activities. A variety of technology tools and platforms enable communication and collaboration between employees, regardless of their location.

Key technologies:

  1. Communication platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack):
    • These tools have become the basis for video conferencing, messaging and document sharing, and real-time collaboration.
    • Statistics: Zoom usage grew 300% in 2020, highlighting the importance of reliable video communications.
  2. Tools for collaboration and project management (Trello, Asana, Jira):
    • These platforms help organize workflow, plan and track tasks, which is critical for team coordination.
    • Example: Asana provides tools for project visualization and resource allocation, streamlining workflows.
  3. Cloud services and security tools (AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure):
    • These services provide the necessary infrastructure for secure access to corporate data from any device.
    • Data: The cloud services market reached $331 billion in 2022, highlighting its role in supporting the hybrid workplace.
  4. VR and AR technologies for immersive meetings (Oculus, Microsoft HoloLens):
    • Virtual and augmented reality are beginning to be used to create effective and engaging meetings that mimic a real-life presence.
    • Innovation: Companies like Spatial are developing VR platforms for work meetings, allowing participants to “gather” in one virtual space.

Examples of technological solutions:

  1. Hybrid Workspaces от Cisco:
    • This system includes integrated video conferencing devices and office space management tools, making it easy to switch between home and office workspaces.
  2. Zoom Rooms:
    • Dedicated video conferencing rooms provide high-quality communications and integration with corporate services to simplify hybrid meetings.
  3. Microsoft Teams Rooms:
    • The solution offers an ecosystem for hybrid meetings using AI for improved audio and video quality and automatic translation.

Technology provides critical support in the transition to hybrid work models by improving communications and enabling effective employee collaboration.

Our role in adapting companies to changes

Overview of our recruiting services

We, as a leading recruiting company, we actively help companies adapt to new trends in the labor market, providing comprehensive services for the selection of qualified personnel for work in various models - office, remote and hybrid.

1.Recruitment for hybrid and remote work models:

We use advanced tools to assess the competencies and personal qualities of candidates, ensuring an ideal match between the needs of companies and the professional skills of employees.

2.Consultations on optimization of work processes:

We offer expert advice on implementing hybrid working models, helping to create an efficient and flexible working environment.

3.Personnel training and development:

We develop customized training programs to improve employee skills, which is critical for adapting to new work models.

Case studies and examples of success

  1. Example of a successful case:

For a large IT company, we organized a full recruitment cycle for the transition to a hybrid work model. More than 50 specialists of various profiles were selected, from developers to project managers, who successfully integrated into the new work model.

Our with meaning in the current market context

We play a key role in companies adapting to changes in the labor market, providing not only recruiting services, but also strategic advice and support in personnel training. This allows companies to effectively transition to hybrid work models and optimize their workflows to meet new market demands.


Returning to the office after an extended period of remote work is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful analysis and strategic planning. Companies must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of such a move, taking into account operational needs and employee expectations.

Adaptation to new realities

  1. Flexibility and adaptability: The future of jobs is determined by the ability to adapt to change. The use of hybrid work models allows you to combine the advantages of office and remote work, creating optimal conditions for different types of tasks and employees.
  2. Strategic use of technology: Modern technology tools and platforms play an important role in facilitating the transition to hybrid models by improving communication and interaction among employees, regardless of their physical location.
  3. Attention to employee needs: Analyzing employee needs and preferences will help create a work environment that promotes satisfaction and productivity, and helps prevent burnout.

IUsing our extensive experience and expertise, we support organizations in the process of adapting to new working conditions. By providing expert recruitment and onboarding solutions, as well as consulting on workflow optimization, We help companies make the most of their resources to create an optimal work environment.

Recommendations for companies

  1. Analyze employee needs: Understanding what is important to your team will help you create an effective and comfortable work environment.
  2. Embrace hybrid models: Don't be afraid to experiment with different work formats to find the perfect balance between in-office and remote work.
  3. Invest in technology: Invest in modern tools and platforms that make it easier to transition to hybrid work models and improve overall productivity.

Working with us allows companies to effectively navigate current and future challenges by optimizing work processes and creating resilient and adaptive work environments that can respond to changes in the corporate world.