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Best strategies to improve employee productivity


by Wiktoria Stretskite

The higher the employee productivity, the better products the company delivers and the bigger its revenue. To make sure your team always performs well, you should hire talented and highly motivated individuals. Plus, it’s important to provide comfortable working conditions to them and build a strong corporate culture.

Tips on boosting your team’s performance

To maximize productivity in your company, consider following recommendations:

  • Keep the work environment clean, safe and healthy.
  • Take care of temperature regulation, air quality and lighting.
  • As soon as something gets damaged, fix or replace it.
  • Regularly upgrade your software and provide timely maintenance to hardware equipment.
  • To prevent production delays, keep all stock at optimum levels.
  • Keep up with your industry trends and adapt your workflows to the overall progress of your niche.
  • Give your staff enough authority to make decisions independently.
  • Provide training and career development opportunities for your team.
  • Stay in touch with your employees through various communication channels.
  • To discuss personal issues, use a confidential communication channel.
  • Introduce a rewards program for the best-performing staffers.
  • Arrange chill-out areas where your team members can have a rest.
  • Stock your canteen with healthy drinks and food.
  • Allow your employees to cook fresh meals in the kitchen.

Below, we’ll analyze other aspects that will help your team increase productivity.

Deadlines and goals

Here are the examples of deadlines that professionals from various departments need to meet:

  • Answer a call within three rings.
  • Reply to a chat inquiry within 30 seconds.
  • Get reports ready by the end of the month.
  • Deliver and install a digital product by a specific date.

To monitor the progress of tasks and projects, you can install dedicated software. It will enable you to detect problems long before they occur and prevent them.

Time versus results

Does it take your organization longer to achieve the desired results than your competitors? If yes, identify the reason for you being slower and eliminate it. For instance, it might be outdated equipment, lack of training or weak operating systems.

Cancelations and returns

If consumers cancel orders or return goods too frequently, this means you need to improve management, quality control and customer services. Follow industry trends and keep your prices competitive.

High employee churn

The most common reasons for employee churn are:

  • Low salary.
  • Obsolete technology and equipment.
  • Toxic culture.
  • Regular customer complaints.
  • Poor management.
  • Lack of recognition for achievements.

The quicker you fix these issues, the rare you’ll need to find, interview and onboard new team members. The process of replacing old staff members with newcomers might deprive you of a substantial part of your income.

Measuring profits

Every month, every quarter or every year, you calculate how much profit your company has made. If this number keeps increasing, it means your staff is productive. If you earn less than you expected, your business strategy and tactics need to be improved.

Install software that allows you to set KPIs for your employees and track their progress. It can be the same system that you use for time and task management or a separate one. Consider setting KPIs for short-term periods, such as one or two weeks. For example, you can suggest that your developers should deliver a small product bi-weekly and your sales department should close a specific number of deals each week.

Hire the right people

All the above-listed measures will help only if you hire motivated professionals who love what they do. Candidates should share your business vision and have relevant experience. If they lack skills, they can quickly acquire hard ones — but it’s much harder to develop the missing soft skills. Flexibility, responsibility, solid communication skills, curiosity and eagerness to learn new things are among the most important qualities that a person should have from the onset.

Useful facts to remember

  • People for whom only salary matters and benefits are secondary are unlikely to become top performers.
  • Robust onboarding boost productivity by 70% and increases staff retention by 82%.
  • Talented professionals with a high engagement level who have been working for your company for over 10 years usually deliver the best performance.
  • The productivity of knowledge workers can grow by up to 25% thanks to social technologies. Make sure your team members stay connected and share information with each other.
  • Top talents are 8 times more productive than average professionals.