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Why you should use a recruitment agency?


by Wiktoria Stretskite

Even if you have an internal HR department in your organization, you might need the help of a recruitment agency from time to time. An external recruiter has access to a large pool of specialists in Poland and abroad. They can find the right candidate for any position quickly and efficiently. Their prices are affordable and their workflows are very well organized. In this article, we’ll list the primary benefits of using a recruitment agency.

Your HR Department Is Not Too Effective

HR managers in small companies grow together with the businesses that they work for. To get started, you might hire recruiters with little experience. On the one hand, you don’t need to pay large salaries to them. On the other hand, they might struggle to cope with challenging tasks. Outsource recruitment to save your time! Over time, your in-house talents will acquire the right skills and will perform better.

Your Company Doesn’t Need an HR Department

Some entrepreneurs find it not economically viable to set up HR departments. If they do so, they will face the following expenses:

  • Competitive salaries for qualified staff;
  • Training of the in-house team;
  • Placing job ads and other types of promotions;
  • Investing in recruitment tools and software.

When you resort to the services of a good recruitment company, you’ll pay a fixed price for their work. You’ll get to know about the upcoming expenses in advance and they won’t grow unexpectedly. The agency has all the necessary tools at its disposal and knows how to make the most of them.

You Fail to Understand the Specificity of Recruiting IT Specialists

If it’s the first time when you recruit developers, you might feel not too confident. You don’t know which candidate's expectations are justified and which are exaggerated. You understand very vaguely what these people value and what is their notion of a dream job.

Dedicated agencies know inside out the lifestyle and way of thinking of their target audience. They understand the lingo of developers and can establish a good rapport with them from the onset.

Your Business Is Scaling and You Need to Concentrate on Other Things

If your business is growing, you probably lack the time and energy to focus on the recruitment process. Instead, it would be smarter to inform the agency about the current goals of your company and let them find the proper people for you.

Some entrepreneurs prefer to split their responsibilities. They interview and hire some part of new employees themselves and let the agency deal with the rest. There is nothing wrong with doing so. But it’s important to avoid task duplication. From the onset, you should distribute responsibilities between the agency and your in-house HR team so that they don’t overlap.

Make sure to communicate with the agency systematically. You may ask them to send you a report every week. If the external recruiter falls behind your expectations, you can always switch to a new one to ensure smooth scaling.

You Need to Launch a Startup or Project Promptly and You Lack Time

Startups and small projects don’t need full-fledged IT departments. Their primary goal is to get down to work and deliver the product as quickly as possible. The services of an external agency will let you start making money fast, without dispersing your efforts on sifting through the candidates.

Even if you start placing job ads on your own, few specialists might respond to them. When people come across a vacancy from a well-known employer, they are more likely to open it. They appreciate the positive image of the company. They can find customer and employee reviews about it on the Internet. If the name of your startup doesn’t ring a bell among IT professionals, it might demotivate them. What if it’s just another shell corporation? How can they get to know whether they can trust you?

You Face Problems with the Selection of Candidates

Sometimes, you spend months searching for the right professionals but in vain. You place ads on the same platforms that normally deliver good results for you. You offer a good salary and attractive working conditions. Yet for unknown reasons, a perfect candidate fails to turn up.

An agency might help you solve this problem in no time because it:

  • Gets access to a large pool of candidates that hardly ever check job ads;
  • Can analyze your situation from a fresh perspective and detect some shortcomings of your job offer that you weren’t aware of;
  • Is more persuasive and motivated than you;
  • Handles more efficient tools and methods for screening candidates;
  • Relies on a large network of contacts and can always ask colleagues for help.

Be ready to discuss your job offer with the agency and fine-tune it so that it seems more appealing to professionals.

It’s Your Chance to Minimalize the Turnover of New Employees

You may find and recruit an excellent candidate — but they leave your company in a few weeks. You get frustrated and have to start the research from scratch. If this happens after an agency recommends a new employee to you, you won’t need to pay it again. The guarantee period for each candidate typically lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Final Thoughts

Recruiting candidates with the help of an external agency can save you a lot of time and nerves. They know the IT industry inside out and can reach many more candidates than you. They have efficient recruiting tools and methods at their disposal. You’ll pay a fixed price for their services and they can provide you with a guarantee for each new employee whom you hire.