Location: Poland
Rate: 9000 usd gross
- Ruby on Rails full-stack developer with back-end specialization and experience in Linux administration.
- 6-year experience in development with Rails
- 7-year experience in development with Ruby
- Well-practiced in Linux administration
- Interested to learn modern technologies like automated Cloud deployments, Kubernetes, Docker and GoLang
- Focused on getting non-standard tasks done the best possible and elegant way
- Active team player with team coordinating experience
Technical Skills:
- Operational systems: Linux, macOS;
- Software Version Management: Git;
- Development process flow: SCRUM, Kanban;
- Cloud Platforms: Google cloud courses;
- Server Administration and automation tools: NGINX Server, Passenger app server, Puma app server, Bash, Ansible, Docker swarm, Jenkins CD, Travis CI, GitLab CI, Capistrano, Google Cloud Platform infrastructure & ML Engine.
- Logs systems: Fluentd and Logz.io, DataDog, Errbit, Airbrake
- Backend development tools and languages: Ruby, Rails, Python, Django, Golang, RSpec, Capybara, miscellaneous public and private gems, Errbit (Airbrake API compliant tool), MySQL, PostgreSQL, TelegramAPI.
- Software Design: Frameworks – Bulma, ZURB Foundation, Twitter-Bootstrap, jQuery, JS;
Professional Experience
Position: Senior Ruby On Rails Developer
2019 – Present
- Design architecture, implementation of backend (Ruby) and front(JQuery) for all of the system.
- Integration third-party API(RapidAPI, WeatherAPI etc.)
- Configuring own Docker images, Docker compose containers(application, PG, NGINX, Redis), volumes and deployment to production
- Configuring DNS.
- Developing ActionCable updates and configuring it through NGINX.
- Configuring Telegram bot as customer interface.
- Implementing unit, integration tests with RSpec.
- Working with and configuring CircleCI.
Tools & Technologies: Nginx, Docker-Container, PostgreSQL, Redis, Ruby on Rails 6.1, Ruby 3.0, Webpacker, REST API, TelegramAPI, JQuery, RSpec.
Position: Development Team Lead
2018 – 2019
- Coordinate team
- Clarification requirements
- Performed qualitative code reviews
- Participated in refactoring activities
- Scrum activities: planning, requirement gathering, engaging, developing new functionality, verifying, bug fixing, lead retros, feedback gathering, improving project flow.
- Participate as the team representative in cross-team retrospectives
Tools & Technologies: PostgreSQL, Jenkins, Docker, Ruby, RubyOnRails, REST API, RSpec, Kafka.
Position: Senior Software Engineer
2017 – 2018
- Performed integration with an external web service system on HTTPS
- Developed communication between services via JSON API messages.
- Developed communication between services using pub|sub message bus (Rabbit)
- Developed idempotent system for atomic transactions between two separate banking systems
- Developed UI with switching DOM depending on requested criteria
- Estimated and interpreted stories
- Led daily meetings with customer to align one of the project's streams
- Implemented unit, integration, feature and E2E tests
Tools & Technologies: MySQL, Ruby on Rails, RabitMQ, Scheduler, Docker, Portainer, Errbit, Git, Jira, AJAX, REST, API, Rspec and Capybara tests, TDD.
Position: Full-stack Ruby On Rails developer
2016 – 2017
- Design, implementation and improvement of backend (RoR, Ajax) for CRM-system project. With scheduled tasks (Whenever). Mailing system (standard Rails mailer) with custom mail services integration (Gmail, mail.ru, Yandex). Custom 1c exchange API.
- Arch and Ubuntu Linux server administration and app deployment (Nginx + Passenger). Also used automated deployment via Ansible.
- Design, implementation and improvement of frontend (jQuery, different gem wrappers for js components, simple_form with custom inputs and wrappers, Foundation).
Tools & Technologies: PostgreSQL, Passenger, ZSH, Nginx, GIT, Capistrano, Ansible, Linux: Ubuntu, Arch Linux; ROR, HTTP, HTML:5, CSS:3, Foundation ZURB, jQuery, PostgreSQL, AJAX, REST, API, API Sync 1c.