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CV: Senior PHP Engineer

Location: Poland

Rate: 4000 usd netto


Software engineer with 7+ years of experience in Web Application Development in various scale. I’m truly passionate about my job and my top priority is to be actively engaged in developing fast and modern applications.


Technical Skills:

  • Aws
  • kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Vagrant
  • Ansible
  • PHP 5/7/8
  • Javascript
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • rabbitMQ
  • memcached
  • redis

Professional Experience

Position: Senior PHP Engineer

Project: I participate in the development of an advanced B2B affiliate marketing system. The system included several components (lead processing service, API, back-end and administration panel) written in PHP and JavaScript, and used Mysql and Memcached as storage. The components are communicating over RabbitMQ. Another part of my responsibilities are: create a network of affiliate websites with dynamic application forms written in JavaScript. The forms featured instant client and server validation, various tooltips and grouping fields into steps. I'm responsible for designing forms with clear separation of concerns and ability to be easily expanded in many ways. These forms could be embedded into any website with just several lines of code.


  • Developing application architecture, database structure, choice of technologies
  • Interviewing of new technical specialists
  • Analyzing technical project problems and providing steps for improvement
  • Сonfiguring and improving infrastructure for 24/7 monitoring under project stability
  • Installing and setting up on Linux servers

Position: Senior PHP Engineer

Project: I participated in the development of a new messenger Application. The system included several components, mobile application and back-end written in PHP.. The components were communicating over Websocket protocol.


  • Restfull/HTTP API backend for mobile apps and single page applications (symfony2/silex, doctrine orm/odm/dbal, http middlewares)
  • Mentoring junior developers
  • Code review
  • Bug fixing

Position: Middle PHP Engineer


  • Developing small “typical” websites using Silex, Worpdress
  • Supporting web applications on Wordpress CMS
  • Bug fixing

Position: Junior PHP Engineer


  • Developing web sites ( business catalogs, shops) on the Yii framework
  • Bug fixing

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