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CV: Senior iOS Engineer

Location: Poland

Rate: 5000 usd gross


iOS Software Developer with 11 years of experience, participated in over 10 various projects on different roles, including investigation, development, bug fixing, project support, etc. Experience in UI development, server interaction development, writing Unit Tests, working with big data. Experience in writing and connecting C++ code base to projects. I’m fond of sport programming and computer graphics.


Technical Skills:

  • Programming languages: Swift, Objective-C, C++, Java (Elementary)
  • Programming technologies: iOS SDK, Mathematica, JavaScript/JQuery (Intermediate) HTML5 (Elementary), Oracle (Elementary)
  • iOS advanced technologies: XCTest, SwiftUI, CocoaPods, Core Data
  • Modeling methodologies: UML
  • Source control systems: GIT, SVN
  • Test/defect tracking tools: JIRA, Redmine, DeskTime
  • Workflow methodologies: Scrum, Kanban

Professional Experience

Position: Senior IOS Engineer

05.2016 - Present


  • Architecture and developed code base for both platforms (iOS/ Android) on C++
  • Wrote testing system for it;
  • In particular, designed and implemented voice NLP algorithms, for handling further speech recognition;
  • Integrated C++ json parser, sqlite database, poco framework for network requests; Integrated .oa files as human speaking animation;

Tools & Technologies: Swift, C++, Curl, Poco, sqlite 3.0, Djinni, Nlohmann::json, CocoaPods (gRPC, SwiftLint, BoringSSL, Photobuf), Cocoa Touch, Foundation, Jenkins, Oddcast, Fastlane

Position: Middle IOS Engineer

08.2014 – 05.2016


  • Designed and rendered SVG files into project;
  • Developed map navigation algorithms: objects finding, floors crossing, shortest path finding and drawing etc.;
  • Developed offline space orientation user-learning algorithm using iBeacons;
  • Created audio sessions for recording and replaying user’s voice.

Tools & Technologies: Obj-C, C++, OpenGLES, QuartzCore, CoreText, CoreGraphics, CoreLocation, CoreMotion, CoreBluetooth, boost, SVGKit, MonkVG, MonkSVG, Crashlytics

Position: Middle IOS Engineer



  • A lot of standard and non-standard screens were implemented on iOS using UIKit and Foundation;
  • A lot of endpoints were handled using AFNetworking framework;

Tools & Technologies: Crittercism, Linphone, Reachability, CorePlot, Flurry, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, zXing

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