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Secrets of Successful LiveOps: How to Maintain Employee Engagement After the Summer Break


by Wiktoria Stretskite

The summer period is traditionally associated with the vacation season, when many employees take a well-deserved break, focusing on personal matters and travel. However, returning to the work rhythm after the summer break can be a serious challenge for IT companies and their HR departments. During this time, it’s important not only to restore productivity but also to maintain a high level of employee engagement. In this article, we will discuss key strategies that can help IT companies effectively manage the LiveOps process, ensuring sustained employee engagement after the summer.

Strategic Planning for the Post-Summer Period

One of the main factors for successfully restoring employee activity is thorough planning. It’s important to assess the needs and expectations of the staff in advance, as well as to set company goals for the upcoming quarter. Developing a clear action plan will help avoid chaos and ensure a smooth return to the work routine.

Key elements of strategic planning:

  • Analysis of past periods: Study data on employee performance and engagement before and after the summer break.
  • Priority setting: Establish key goals and objectives that need to be achieved in the post-summer period.
  • Resource allocation: Optimize the use of human and material resources to achieve these goals.

Enhancing Communication and Transparency

Transparent and open communication is the foundation of effective team management. After the summer break, it’s crucial to establish clear communication channels so that employees understand their roles and responsibilities and are informed about current projects and company plans.

Recommendations for improving communication:

  • Regular meetings: Hold weekly meetings to discuss current tasks and share information.
  • Feedback channels: Create opportunities for employees to freely express their opinions and suggestions.
  • Use of digital tools: Implement collaboration platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams to maintain constant information exchange.

Professional Development and Growth

Providing opportunities for professional development and growth is a crucial aspect of maintaining employee engagement. This not only enhances their qualifications but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to their future.

Strategies for employee development:

  • Training and workshops: Organize courses and seminars on relevant topics in the IT field.
  • Career planning: Assist employees in developing individual career growth plans.
  • Mentorship: Implement mentorship programs to support young professionals.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance helps reduce stress levels and increase employee satisfaction. Flexible working conditions and mental health support play a key role in this process.

Measures to ensure balance:

  • Flexible work schedule: Allow employees to work remotely or adjust their work hours according to their needs.
  • Support programs: Implement psychological support programs and health promotion activities.
  • Leave policies: Create conditions for effective use of vacations and prevent burnout.

Recognizing and Rewarding Achievements

Acknowledging employee achievements is a powerful tool for motivation and maintaining engagement. It’s important to recognize both major successes and small but significant accomplishments.

Ways to recognize achievements:

  • Awards and bonuses: Introduce a system of rewards for completing projects or achieving key performance indicators.
  • Public recognition: Highlight employee achievements on internal communication platforms or during corporate events.
  • Personal acknowledgments: Send personal notes or hold meetings where managers express gratitude for employees’ contributions.

Leveraging Technology and Analytics

Modern technology and analytical tools allow for more effective management of employee engagement. This includes the use of human resource management (HRM) systems, data analytics to monitor engagement, and tools to improve productivity.

Technological solutions:

  • HRM systems: Implement systems to automate HR processes and manage employees.
  • Engagement analytics: Use data to assess employee satisfaction and engagement levels.
  • Collaboration tools: Apply platforms to enhance team interaction and coordination.

Building a Positive Corporate Culture

A positive corporate culture fosters a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. A culture based on trust, respect, and collaboration is a key success factor.

Elements of a positive culture:

  • Inclusivity: Promote diversity and inclusivity within the team.
  • Team spirit: Organize events that strengthen team bonds.
  • Value alignment: Clearly define and uphold corporate values that all employees share.

Partnering with Professional HR Experts

Managing employee engagement requires deep knowledge and specialized skills. We understand this and are ready to offer our support through expert HR solutions.

Our specialists assist in the recruitment of IT professionals who meet the needs of your company and provide a full range of HR services, including the development of engagement strategies, talent management, and corporate culture development. We are always ready to tailor our solutions to the unique requirements of your business to achieve maximum efficiency.


Maintaining employee engagement after the summer break is a complex but achievable process that requires a comprehensive approach. Strategic planning, improving communications, employee development, ensuring work-life balance, recognizing achievements, leveraging technology, and building a positive corporate culture—all these elements play an important role in successful LiveOps management.