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Healthcare and IT. Two domains and two recruitment challenges


by Wiktoria Stretskite

In our rapidly changing world, two sectors - medicine and IT - are becoming increasingly relevant. The recent events related to the COVID-19 pandemic have further heightened the need for qualified professionals in these fields, especially when it comes to the digitalization of medicine.

How we meet the unique challenges of medical recruiting and how we help our clients find the best medical professionals.

  • Deep Understanding of the Medical Field and Legislation

Recruiting in the medical field requires not just professionalism, but a deep understanding of the specifics of the industry. Medical terms, legislation, and standards all form an important part of recruiters' work. Our specialists have the necessary knowledge and experience in this field, which allows us to accurately assess and select candidates, guaranteeing our clients reliable professionals.

  • Technology in Medicine

Modern medicine is rapidly embracing digital technology and automation. From electronic medical records to surgical robots, it takes specialized staff to not only develop innovations but also to successfully implement them and train medical staff. We pride ourselves on our recruiters finding and offering clients such specialists who are able to stay on the cutting edge of medical technology.

  • Increased Demand After Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the entire world, and medicine is no exception. Time has shown how important it is to have enough qualified medical and IT professionals on hand, ready to respond to unexpected circumstances. This has not only caused an increased demand for medical staff but also the need for rapid digitalization of healthcare services. We work with our clients to ensure they have a workforce that can effectively cope with the new challenges of the medical industry.

What you can do to find and hire the best medical experts:

Strategic Partnerships: 

Form partnerships or alliances with specialized medical recruitment agencies. This can help when you have positions that aren’t your primary specialty.

Referral Programs: 

Offer referral incentives for these agencies if they send candidates or job listings your way.

Engage with Professional Associations

  1. Membership: Become a member to access their resources, such as career centers or job boards.
  2. Advertising: Advertise your company’s services in their newsletters, journals, or on their websites.
  3. Sponsorship/Attendance: Sponsor or attend conferences and meetings to build your brand's presence.

Network at Medical Conferences and Trade Shows

  1. Booth Setup: Rent a booth to represent your recruitment agency, attract potential candidates, and meet employers looking to hire.
  2. Networking: Have team members attend seminars, lectures, and networking events.

Maximize LinkedIn

  1. Enhanced Profile: Ensure your company's profile is detailed, highlighting your expertise in medical recruitment.
  2. Active Posting: Regularly post about open positions, industry news, or success stories.
  3. Engage with Groups: Join medical professional groups on LinkedIn and actively engage in discussions.

Online Job Platforms:

  1. Post Listings: Make sure you have an active presence on major job boards and niche medical job platforms.
  2. Search & Reach Out: Proactively search for candidates and reach out with potential opportunities.

Connect with Residency Programs:

  1. Engagement: Establish relationships with coordinators and frequently check for upcoming graduates.
  2. Workshops: Offer to hold workshops or seminars on job-hunting, resume-building, or interview techniques for new graduates.

University Job Boards

  1. Listings: Regularly post your job listings.
  2. Campus Visits: Periodically visit and hold information sessions to raise awareness about your company.

Engage with Industry Publications:

  1. Advertisements: Advertise in medical journals or magazines.
  2. Content Collaboration: Write articles or sponsor content to showcase your expertise and company's offerings.

Contract-to-Hire Services:

  1. Promotion: Promote this service as a flexible solution for employers.
  2. Clear Contracts: Have clear, legally sound contracts ready for both employers and potential hires.

Continuous Training:

  1. Stay Updated: Ensure that your recruitment team is always updated about the latest trends, regulations, and needs in the medical field.
  2. Professional Development: Invest in courses or certifications related to medical recruitment to boost your team's credibility and expertise.

While you navigate the multitude of resources and methodologies for finding medical experts, keep in mind that implementing these steps sequentially can be a demanding task. If you find it challenging or don't have the capacity to execute these points consistently, consider seeking the support of a recruitment company like ours. We'll enable you to achieve immediate results without the lengthy preparatory work.

What we can offer

Modern medicine is evolving rapidly, and the emergence of new tools and techniques is making the treatment process more effective and safer for patients. Mastering these technologies demands skilled professionals, underscoring the importance of education and continuous professional development in the medical realm.

Recruitment Process at Znojdziem 

Recognizing the uniqueness of recruitment in the medical and IT sectors, Znojdziem offers specialized services:

  1. Needs Analysis of the Company: We delve into the specifics of your business to understand the specialists you require.
  2. Candidate Profiling: Based on your request, we create a detailed profile of the future employee.
  3. Search and Attraction: We use modern methods and tools to find the best candidates.
  4. Interviewing and Testing: Our experts conduct in-depth testing of candidates.
  5. Reference Verification: We guarantee the authenticity of the information provided by candidates.
  6. Onboarding: We assist candidates to integrate quickly and effectively into the new team.

In this rapidly converging landscape of medicine and technology, the role of specialized recruitment cannot be understated. At Znojdziem, we recognize the intricate challenges and unique requirements of sourcing talent in these specialized sectors. Leveraging our deep domain knowledge, state-of-the-art tools, and a vast network of professionals, we are uniquely positioned to identify and connect companies with the right talent, tailored to their specific needs. Whether it's a seasoned medical practitioner, a tech visionary, or a professional who beautifully bridges both realms, we remain committed to driving innovation by facilitating the perfect matches. Our expertise underscores not just our understanding of the recruitment landscape but also our dedication to the future of medicine and technology. When it comes to navigating the nuanced world of medical and IT recruitment, we stand as a beacon of excellence and reliability.