Location: Poland
Rate: 4000 usd netto
Technical Skills:
- Programming Languages: JavaScript (+ES2015, ES7, TypeScript), HTML5 / CSS3 Frontend Frameworks, Libraries: React, React Native, Pixi JS, Phaser, Babylon JS, Redux, Redux Saga, Socket io, Expo, Styled Components, Antd, and more.
- Testing tools: Cypress.io
- Frontend Build Tools: Webpack, Babel, Gulp
- Platforms / OS: MacOS S
- ource Control Systems: GIT
Professional Experience
Position: Front End Engineer
04.2020 - Present
- Creating project boilerplate for development and production environments with webpack. Integration of the game with Facebook SDK.
- Automatic deploy of production and rc versions.
- Creating UI of the game with React, Styled Components, HTML5 Canvas.
- Using Redux-Saga for all async part of the game (socket events, rest api request) and business logic. Managing application state with Redux.
- Using Howler.js to work with sound assets.
- Version control with Git.
Tools & Technologies: React, ES6, Redux, Redux-Saga, PropTypes, Webpack, Styled Components, Reselect, React Router 4, Axios, Socket IO, HTML5 Canvas, Howler.js, React Transition Group, Git
Position: Front End Engineer
06.2018- 03.2020
- Creating project boilerplate for development and production environments with webpack.
- Implementing metagame.
- Creating UI of the game with React, Styled Components.
- Creating core gameplay with PIXI.
- Managing application state with Redux.
- Upload images with Amazon S3.
- Routing screens with React Router 4.
- Version control with Git.
Tools & Technologies: React, ES6, Redux, Redux-Saga, PIXI, PropTypes, Webpack, Styled Components, Reselect, React Router 4, Axios, React Transition Group, Git, Amazon S3.